
lucky lucky

so i went to vegas with my ragnar team to run some miles in the desert. trained for a while and got excited to get some arrested development team spirit on. nikki got gum stunk in her hair, we got free chapstick, free shirts, slept in unknown places, saw the shrine on the way to vegas - so many good times.

i ran my first leg and then guess who showed up... my cute scrubbed out doctor in his black car! with a fog horn! such a sweetie. we grabbed dinner after and met up with his siblings after.

mc. dreamy

shelbs took on the griddle challenge.
10 pancakes, 10 bacon, 10 eggs.
she had her own ragnar.

it was a great weekend spent with brady's family walking around the city of lights! loved meeting almost all of them!

the drive home was bittersweet.

we stopped here at this ghost town but didn't want to pay the $10 to enter. so we just stole some sweet shots of this cowboy.

going to ikea with this guy for his first time was a great experience.
playing pretend in their mini-staged productions couldn't be more fun.

(my eyes forgot to open here)

sorry this post is so short. i didn't take too many pictures and am tired.
like stella, i'll get my groove back.

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