
xoxo family xoxo

why are kids so cool?  i love that "family" is in.
today when i picked jackson up from school, i took him for a good run down on the soccer fields right before his dentist appointment.

whoopsies.  how did this happen?

we stopped by the craft store to pick up paint to paint our pumpkins we are getting tomorrow... why?  because have you seen my carving skills?  it's bad. jack wanted us to make blue pumpkins so they would match my eyes. so thoughtful... but no, our pumpkins will not be blue.

we did crafts before bed. grew those spongy things... never bores him.

he brings me the biggest smile.  i love him!


  1. I saw the cool pumpkin that was painted black and then had boo painted on it in white. Happy Halloween.

  2. i'm really bad at carving them too! like really bad. it must be a gene.
