
ditching class, jedi-training, tiger-face and ice cream eating in one day!

i pulled jack out of school early.
we had a packed day.

we drove up north for some disneyland fun!  we haven't been for some time, so it was nice to go on a day when no one really was there.  disney pulled out all the decor for christmas!

we first stopped by star wars!
jack really wanted to be a jedi, so he jumped around to be picked!
master jedi called out the boy in the blue shirt with dinos on it.
jack looked back at me, like... mom, it's me!

they had each child, well jedi, go up and fight either darth or the freaky scary-faced guy.
jack got to go on stage to fight darth!
master jedi said he saw some special force in jack and that he needed to force push the evil ones...
so some evil dark side guys came out and jack pretended to force push them with his hands.  he was so stoked.  no other kids had the chance to do that and so he felt pretty special. [i got a video of it - totally had butterflies.  what kind of mom will i be if i got butterflies over this?????}

after we went on many rides...
then walked by his favorite kiosk and my least favorite.
$17 for one face paint? geez louise.
no way.  
he cried. he melted jodi who does these on kids all day.
she cut me a deal. i caved.
then she hooked us up and did it for free! i know right, for free.
good things are coming her way.
i tried to tip her, and she said spread this goodness to others. what a sweet lady!!

the haunted mansion was all christmas-ready and smelling like spiced pumpkin 
and christmas wreaths! loved it!

parade? sure. why not.

we split a pineapple yogurt and smiled with each bite. 
i wonder how much a machine would be?

driving home, i remembered i had a free coldstone so the sweet tooth in both of us brought us to the irvine spec... tiger face and all.
so maybe we are both lactose intolerant and we still indulge, what?
fun was to be had and belly aching is for later.
i hope someday he can look back on our time spent when we have just the two of us and remember these days and nights.  they are always so special to me.  as much as i want him to never grow up and think that holding my hand is normal and cuddling while watching a movie is second nature, or wearing animals on his face or shirt is what all the kids do, i know there will be a time he will be too cool for mom.  but for now, i'll savor each minute and keep them with me so when those times come, it can soften that blow of the reality of time. 

being a mother is the sweetest and i feel extremely blessed to have jackson as my son.

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