
holiday get togethers

i have been digging these holiday get-togethers with friends.
friends are in town, they are hungry and they want to meet to catch up.
here are a few highlights:

at the grove i met up with my friend janelle walker at the farmer's market.
they truly have the best mexican food. plastic patio chairs but the food tastes like it should.
janelle is a long-time friend from childhood and it felt like time hadn't past. she is amazing!
{this picture has nothing to do with our food...just a cute sign next to us}

met up with my friend sara archibald for some sodas and christmas shopping at south coast plaza. this girl is the greatest. she designs wedding dresses and happens to know how to tie a scarf. thank goodness!
my close friends from childhood all have babies... this is gavyn and noah.
corner bakery, warm food and a bunch of babies.. loved this!

ashlee and i have bonzai bowl often.
its so healthy and gluten-free. they know
our names sadly!
thanks to hawaii, i have been hooked since.
i love lunches with ash!

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