

i have a box of pictures, notes, pages i've colored, etc. that didn't make it to my scrapbook that one night almost a year ago consumed my interest.  i have had these pictures on my hard drive and just stumbled upon them again.  i thought they were worth the share.

san diego when dad was finishing his masters.
a tree log on the beach? amazing.
 i don't know if i have ever seen one after all the years living at the beach. 
red jumpsuit with clown ruffles around my neck. yes!
maybe that ruffle was suppose to hide my triple chin?
mitch looks thoroughly entertained with his obligatory smile.
oh that chair. many time outs where we had to hold hands 
with the sibling we just duked it out 
while we waited for the oven timer to ding.  
this is when velvet, lace and hairspray was used at it's fullest.  
somehow i've kept this all these years.  
remember when your elementary teachers use to laminate EVERYTHING. so thankful she did
so i can forever remember how i was a democratic child.
my sister elise made this for me.  
the front was so sweet with a rainbow of more nice compliments.  

if you know my father, you know he is all about contracts. 
apparently i typed this up for my sister elise who wanted to borrow my stereo. 
remember those stereos that were so large you couldn't move them much, had a tape deck but made a great "santa's gift" those christmas mornings?!  
i dated it with time. ha!

san diego girls camp right after we finished our GREASE performance. 
these glasses however, were worn outside of the performance.
along with the beaded pooka-shells! 
i thought i dodged this fashion-flaw but i guess it hit me.
love cool jess in this one.
cheer pictures... always at crystal cove in corona del mar on the rocks. 
always cold and awkward with how the photographer would pose us.
oh man this one had me laughing then and now.
we all grew up best friends dancing and cheering together.
i think this pictures says what words cannot.
stake dances.
i don't remember ever missing one.  they were the best!  
this girl julia guila came to them all even though she wasn't mormon and we would get our friends together before to get ready and put our hair in these messy buns.

my grandma would treat us for our birthday weekends to spoiling us with friends down in san diego. she let us have as much fun as we could while we were with her, so we tried our best.  ate junk food non-stop, no bedtimes, scream whilst going through tunnels, water balloons, toilet papering... etc.  this is just one picture from one of those weekends that my grandma dared me to fit inside this!
church roadshow.  the theme was "under the sea"
mia-maids and laurels were the mermaids.  
as you can see we are wearing stage makeup and not too thrilled about it.
this was a lot of fun!
laguna niguel stake youth conference.
this has to be where some of my fondest and strongest bonds were made with all my friends around here were made.  i love looking at this picture and thinking almost everyone here is married and lives close.  the temple looks fake.  i hope when i'm a youth leader again soon that i could help more youth have a similar experience.  

for junior winterformal i decided to make a 
statement and be different than everyone.
i saw britney and justin show up to some rewards show in jeans, so i designed a more modest replica of theirs. we walked into the dance head-to-toe denim!  it was like the movies and everyone opened the dance floor up! pretty funny.  i wish i could find a picture of it.  a shopper from goodwill is enjoying this outfit somewhere.

dana hills vs. trabuco hills football game!  
i miss all of our friends.
our ten year high school reunion is coming up soon - we are thinking a little dance with all the girls who did cheer/song for all four years. 
all the girls here have stayed in shape by either being a charger's girl or ballet teacher or cheer manager or yoga/pilates instructor.  it may not happen but it would be pretty cool if it did.

alright memory lane just came to a stop.
 sorry if you are bored out of your mind.  these pictures just had me laughing and made me smile... and reminded me i'm getting old. sheesh.

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