
New Years Eve to New Years

this new years was a good, easy-going one. nothing too much to report but just a swell few days. the weather down here for the past three days has been so hazy... i kind of like it.
brady had to work most of new years eve at the hospital, but was able to take me out to our favorite sushi restaurant IRORI. if you are ever in los angeles and you dig authentic sushi or japan or perfect service, then this place will have you pleased from the beginning until the end of your experience - even after.
it was such a treat to have him with me even though he had at least 3 patients waiting for him when he had to go back into the hospital at 12:30am Saturday morning!
we watched the ball drop and he was off. what a sweetie.
he worked until 9am with only an hour, maybe two of sleep so we took sunday pretty easy...
played some skip-Bo, watched some football (kind of) napped, went to church, and made dinner with all the food we had there.
of course the new year has to start out with some sparkle or new-ness... so we wore our new kicks!
we were able to hang out at one of our favorite spots to watch the planes fly over us and feel the sun come out. it was such a pretty day!

we came back to skip-Bo and some more football.
hope everyone had a nice and relaxing new years celebration!

1 comment:

  1. love how you can make the simplest things sound like the greatest pleasures in life.
