

things as of late:

pictures are more fun that words sometimes.
i rarely watch television but my sister and i watched that new bachelor season premiere together. this has to be scripted. the girls are truly all drama and primadonnas but it makes for entertainment. my television watching stopped at that one episode. while watching it, i made these little "thank you" cards. making usage of those stamps from anthropologie.
i have started back up in school after taking a good semester off from school. i'm taking as many courses as i can online before i have to do my clinics and on-compus course for my degree. i'm really enjoying the reading and the homework isn't too bad. everyone said it would be easier for me to go back to school once jack went to school but he is only there a few hours so i think it will be easier to get more done once he is in all-day school next year. my ultimate goal is to get my masters in nursing but in all reality, i'm not too far off. it's been so many years i have wanted this degree so it will be a huge accomplishment if or when this happens.
brady and i went to mozambique last weekend for dinner. this place is south african and quite tasty. they did their fries right for sure with lots of spices and garlic. brady is such a trooper for ordering gluten-free for me. we saw we bought a zoo after at big newport. if you like movies that get you feeling and thinking, this is it. i loved it! 20 seconds of courage! such a good message. i think we are going to try to visit this zoo sometime soon.
at work we took a long course for keraste hair products. i'm sold. i have been using their products for years but couldn't pronounce half of them or know what their proper usage for each were until now. i can formulate and prescribe what product works best for each person, man or woman. it gets me all giddy now when i talk about them. i also found out half of the products had some sort of wheat protein so i'm glad i know what's up now.
sara archibald and i had a girls' weekend. she is a great,
great person with so much talent.
brady was working in the hospital, jackson in san francisco so we met up for dinner. she is one of my friends i can go not seeing for a month but when we are together it's as if we didn't skip a day.
i did facials on us with a gentle milky cream cleanser, then toner, then aztec clay for 10 min, then pumpkin enzyme peel. if you want to try this yourself just take a can of organic pumpkin, one egg, and add honey and still in the freezer for 5 minutes. paint on face and it heals any swelling, redness as well as taking off the top two layers of your skin with it's lactic acid. your skin is so shinny after.
we also down a whole bag of cadbury eggs. yes, they hit the shelves already. what happened to valentines day?
sara has her own line of wedding gowns called illume.
they are all so beautiful! she will be working with our salon for our new line for weddings
and had me try on a few of her orginals {samples} from her collection so she could fix some parts of them.
she does custom wedding gowns as well.
it was fun playing dress up right after waking up + eating a huge breakfast!
everyone at work are so excited to work with her soon and get her high-end dresses out all over southern california.


  1. those wedding dresses are GORGEOUS on you! You are so gorgeous Melissa. Miss ya lady!

  2. archie really is sooo talented, i love her dresses. and you look SOO pretty. im loving your long hair. xo
