
:: surprise party for pops! ::

a few weeks ago, i had this little idea of surprising my dad with the family at sushi and a show in los angeles. we couldn't get all the times right for everyone so then we explored the idea of throwing him a little family surprise party around san clemente. a woman on pinterest had this great idea of putting balloons attached to a note for every year of their marriage for her and her husband's anniversary. so my wheels began turning and i thought we could fill my parent's house with balloons attached to notes from family and friends.

so i organized a little email and the notes, letter's vicisms flooded my inbox. so fun to read the sweetest, nicest and sincere notes everyone wrote to him. my sweet family wanted in on this night so linds made her incredible coconut cake and brought over the drinks in the cutest glasses with straws, elise and drew organized the black and white photos for the wall as well as the burlap birthday sign and my mom did so much as well with inviting friends outside of the
family, getting extra decor, and made sure the house was spotless.

he came home a little early from work so we had to get him out so we could decorate. they went to dinner with my grandparents which bought us some time.

balloons were up and attached to the notes
the table was almost finished
(elise will post great pictures soon)
the 56 of some of the coolest photos were up...
and he came home! totally surprised!
when all the hugs were finished and he got a little settled, he read a few notes. smiling.
totally made me smile.
cute little asher played balloon volleyball with us.
we had strawberries, carrot cake from aunt jill, homemade ice cream, gluten free chocolate and
carmel cake and other nom noms.
yet, we forgot a birthday candle. improvised with this candle from the candlestick! he held it
while we sang to him :)
i snuck upstairs to visit my favorite niece! i love this girl!
we took some pictures with the family
some we tried to make funny faces...
and mitch put bunny ears on dad.
drew, blake, grandpa, dad, mitch, micah
some pretty important and good-looking fellas!
my grandma brought up some great photos of my dad as well as some modeling shots of him! he never told us he modeled for inflatable pool chairs!
it was a great birthday and one i don't think we will forget, nor will my dad. he said it was his best yet. success! thanks so much to my family for all of your help!

we love ya dad!


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