
a sweet weekend

saturday was pretty swell.
we walked along abbott and kinney in venice and brady remembered my favorite store, "bountiful"... this place is so unique! it's featured on 100 layer cake here. every time we have been here, it's been at night when it's closed so it was so fun to walk through it during
the day. sections of segregated colors of cake platters after cake platters! there were all sorts of
fun vintage items there that had me drooling.

we went to an indian restaurant down the street and geez louise, this place had some goooood chicken tikka! we love finding new places to go to so we can add this to our list.
mr. improvisor took me to the pacific palisades to hook up the hammock around two trees. so clever and fun.

sunday we took the bikes out around the bay.
such a perfectly simple and beautiful day.
i threw together some fruit and tried to make it fun to eat for the fellas. i'm pretty sure i ate most of them.
apples with marshmallows = teeth.
okay fine, homeless looking teeth.
my fruit art for my longing for summer.
tire swing made out of a girl scout cookie? yep, it is. oh and floss.

such a sweet weekend.
hope you enjoyed yours as well!

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