
escondido falls hike

on saturday we wanted to do a new hike in los angeles.
i'm all about waterfalls and climbing rocks. you mix those two and i'm climbing cloud nine! this escondido falls hike was just that. it began with very crowded parking, then walking up a hill into a residential area full of estates that you can only dream of. we both thought we could walk back but kept going to the trail part over the hill. it was gorgeous! trees draping over the trail, a creek next to us and the smell of the outdoors all around us. we came to the first waterfall and we weren't too impressed. it smelled like the sulfur baths we dipped into in november but worse!
we didn't give up... i remembered the reviews i read about two other waterfalls so we kept up the mountain with a few ropes. so rugged! the second waterfall was pretty but the rocks were bigger and looked like they needed to be climbed so we did.
the next waterfall was coming from a bigger rock from the top of the mountain and was beautiful! it smelled fresh and had moss covering the exterior. w
e took a few pictures,
trying to get a keeper. it was only 4.2 miles total and so easy. on the way down i had an itch to run so i took off and brady went a different way through the estates since he was in jean shorts and running wasn't an option. i ended up talking to a few couples at the top of the trail who wanted to know about the trail and snapped this shot of this random guy. i am showing it only because it came out kind of cool, showing how pretty this day was!
somehow we met up right in time on the road! it was so fun!
i love that brady enjoys 'them outdoors with me.

i didn't take many pictures from the rest of the day but we had acai bowls in venice, went to the beach, saw the lorax, had falafel, then had diddy reese for our first time together near UCLA. since i can't indulge in their cookies and technically not their ice cream, i tried their sundaes anyway. dairy schmary.
it was such a great day. i don't think we have ever had a boring weekend.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like such a great day! i'll have to try that hike sometime. i'm always looking for fun stuff to do around here... ;)
