
what's up

oh boy do i have some things to report. it has been a week. a week of my little boy being sick with the cough of the year. ever since he came home from san francisco, he has decided to take up coughing instead of playing outside. today he came home early from school from just not feeling well. poor little guy.
so we have been trying to do lots of things inside this past week...
like: family night. we played star wars legos. we had no idea what we were doing but we did it anyway. who knew legos would be advanced for adults. legos for FHE put smiles on his little coughing face.

making bug circuses in his play circus.
these bugs are legit. they did tricks like no otha bugs.

early morning runs mixed with reeses pieces were not a good idea.

had late night desserts with chris and britt in san diego! loved seeing them!

caught bugs all sunday in mason jars in the backyard. spiders, lady bugs, snails, roly polys, you name it, it was in these jars.

after karate i took him to our favorite pizza place and all he really wanted was some lemonade.

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