
as of late

so much has been going on.
its been hard for me to sit in front of my computer to blog it all. 
does anyone still read blogs anymore?
i am looking at this as more of a personal journaling {lazy} system for me so i don't forget the small, simple pleasures in this every-so-busy life i'm in.

here is a load off of my phone...
jack gets so many thrills from this place. 
i love getting my car clean.
 does anyone else despise getting their nails done?  i know we all need to do it but when my client gave me a gift certificate, i went.  i want it to go fast and silently.  i was dreading every minute of this. something about this whole process makes me uneasy.
 i was a judge at the SCHS cheer tryouts.  oh my oh my.  that's all i should say.
jack had one of his favorite play dates with the stowells.  we played dress-up as superheros all day.  

my sister came in to get her haircut a few weeks ago.
i love it when family and friends come in so i can catch up with them for some good devoted time together.

i got through TSA with this 4oz tube!
thank goodness because i would have teared up if they took my favorite hand cream away.
{that wasn't mellow dramatic at all...}

bey blades.
these toys are the new pods.
these two boys kill me with their friendship.
did you know bangs are in?
you betcha! 
everyone is asking for them.
my little brother and i spent some good sibling time together recently when my parents were out of town a few weeks ago.  if i were a boy, i would look like him. so good to know.
after watching a cartoon's commercial about a princess toy with jack, he looks at me and says, "mom, i don't ever want to marry a girl who wants to be a princess. i want to marry a girl who wants to play in the mud with me. like callie." cute.  callie would play in the mud with him any day.
this little girl is a bundle of fun and he loves it.  
she insisted on taking her wagon ride standing.

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