
friday friday friday

my friend carli came up to see me from san diego and brought her little j up to make my day!
it was so good to see them both and to see how much she has grown since a few months ago!
she has the cutest giggle and fake laugh i have ever heard.  
we took her around and everyone wanted to hold her or just gawk at her.
i think i need a daughter.

her pants?! i'm dying. so cute.

after jack got back from school, i took him up PCH for a fun family drive to huntington beach so we could go to some of our favorite places.
mommy and jack date.
we had some dinner.
grabbed some ice cream cones.
we flew his new kite for a while

and then made funny faces in the car to get warm.
i love our time together.  he's my little buddy.

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