
san francisco + los angeles

jackson and i flew together to san fran-cisco last week.
i splurged and bought him the $2 headphones since i misplaced mine before our quick trip.
you get this guy in front of a television and he is happy happy!
he was loving life!

san francisco was beautiful!
we were inside of it and enjoyed doing some walking.
looking for bugs of course.

jack played on the drums for some time at my friend's house.
i love all of my friends that live in the bay area.  
the ones that live in the outskirts of the city have great neighborhoods where kids just come over and play together, greatly.  they played soccer, made food, played music, played in the backyard... it was fun!
this song played on pandora while driving around.
maybe pandora knew i was there?

my flight home was so so so so pretty.
what is this island?

brade and i went on a double with one of our favs
lauren and justin.
lauren found a seat with dual appearances.

as this sweet guy says it best.
he was such a chef and made us food.
BBQ stuffed bacon chicken, twice baked potatoes and already made breakfast for our friends!
such a giving sweetheart. he did this all while i was at LAX...
picking up this sweetness.

alright picture overload but i sure did miss this little fella.

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