

 if you haven't been to elderly karaoke, then you might not be livin'.
let me tell ya, when i'm 70++ i'll be at karaoke joints listening to my times music with my people.
that is exactly what my family and i did on monday night for my sweet grandpa who turned 85 in carlsbad.
he is the sweetest, most gentle grandfather a granddaughter could ask for. grandpa joe. i am so grateful for all the things he has taught me.  so glad we could share this 85th birthday with him. 

the security guard at the carlsbad "got down on it"

back at their room. 
mitch's faces have me rolling. roll-ing.

 these kids were bored out of their minds. if they only knew their dad and mom grew up here, maybe they would give a rats. nah, they could care less :)

 drew sang to him.
it made grandpa's night.  he loves coming to all of drew's shows when he tours. so sweet!
sweet baby Asher and my jewelry.
bribery in motion.

grandpa, if you are reading this,
 i love you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS and forever.
your toad

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