
:: last day of kindergarten ::

jack was such a big boy as he got out of the car and walked to school for his graduation day and one of his very last days in kindergarten! maybe, just maybe a tear streamed down my cheek, watching him walk away.

he had a cute little graduation so i made him a little diploma.

carpool buddies.
callie is the sweetest girl and a tomboy so jack considers her one of his best friends.

this little girl molly had googley eyes from jack and asked me to take a picture with him.
"hey jack's mom, will you take a picture of us please?"
jack then told me -- "yeah mom, molly wants to marry me.  so weird huh."

he is so excited to go into first grade!

after, i asked him what place he wanted to eat at to celebrate. 
his response, "target mom, i love their breadsticks!"
being that he is sensitive to gluten, he doesn't eat much bread with me, so this was a special occasion, so we celebrated with target's breadsticks + pizza hut pizza!

after we moseyed on over to the new park we frequent and a few of his classmates were there playing!  a lot of our friends were taking over the park so we played for hours.
such a great day!  
congrats jackson, i love you!

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