
new room --- costco has power rangers

i surprised jackson with a new bed, toy chest and design of his room.
an incredible story is related to this bed and i will have to share that story at a later time.
my sisters and drew came over and helped me decorate his room.  we took the closet doors off of his closet so it's an open nook for his art work.

its still a work in progress but i think he really really loved it.
a few missionaries helped put it together and left little jack a scripture.
so sweet.
made my year!

we went to costco with my best friend Jessica and her three beautiful boys.

jess never had a sister so we always considered ourselves sisters SO...
they are like my own nephews - just love them so much!

these bears are the best.
gavin wasn't digging them!

jack wanted me to see why he had a line on his nose.
costco has superheros in large supply.  in order to allow me to run more errands:
get new tires etc., his deal was he would do so willingly if i got him the red power ranger.
so i did.
and he wore it everywhere.
it was awesome.

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