
1st grader!

jackson started school! 
 he is now a first grader.
it is hard to believe such a little baby grew this quickly to be in elementary school
but it happened.  

the night before, he was getting the butterflies,
so naturally i was getting them with him. 
we talked about school starting, how i know his teacher and her kids,
how he gets to try his first hamburger (his choice),
how he will meet so many new friends and learn how to read/write,
how his teacher was the stem cell research specialist and enjoys teaching the kids science...
'ya know stuff like that.  
as these things came out i just wanted to hold him, rock him and remind him all the things we use to do when he didn't have school like disneyland almost every day, beach on the other days and crafts.
i knew that wouldn't get us anywhere, so none of that happened except our nightly routine with setting his alarm clock.

i read him this book...
we made this lunch together
in his CRUSH lunch pail
 (i added a little note)

and then like that it was morning, and he was an official first grader.
say what?!  
i couldn't help but gawk at how adorable he was.
we were seconds from leaving to drive up the street to get him to school and remembered i wanted a picture in the same place i took it before his first year of preschool, his second year of preschool and kindergarten.  

i love you little bean.
this is your world and i'm just a part of it.

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