
last weekend

on friday, jack got home from school for only 10 minutes before we had to rush over to the airport to fly him to sacramento.  so to use that time wisely, we ate raspberries and just chatted about how school was, what he learning, etc.

we get the airport and he insisted on weighing his pokemon. 1.6 pounds.
no carry-on bag, just his pokemon.
right here he is telling me 
"mom, promise you won't go camping without me this weekend? promise"
he flew off into the sky and i still get teary saying goodbye.
not sure if that will ever change.

::archie's wedding:::
one of my closest friends got married on saturday!
it is so nice to be at a wedding where you know these two are so meant for each other.
i love their story.
their whole wedding was gorgeous.
she designs top notch wedding dresses so we were all excited to see what she was wearing.
she made everything from the linens, the table cloths/runners, the place holders.

my other good friend borg caught the bouquet!

i am not an easy one to feed.
it was a five course meal and i couldn't have bits and pieces of a few of them -- 
including the amazing cake.
no gluten and no dairy unless i have my pills so brady was so sweet to take me to sprinkles after!
these babies are delicious

on sunday, brady and i made lunch together and this sweet guy made me brownies.
gluten free ones.
i know right? best guy ever.
he even made them specific to what i like - only the edges.
so we indulged our sweet tooth like we do best.

jack came home and life is good!

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