
{movies weekend}

this weekend was a really great one. it was filled with movies, more movies and then movies again.

we got invited to the movie premiere of "trouble with the curve"
it was pretty fun to see the green carpet for the baseball themed movie as we walked past the stars coming out to greet the westwood gawking crowds.  the vintage and famous westwood village theatre welcomed us with unlimited popcorn and drinks.
we sat in the front and got all comfy until all the drinks hit us from being
 so early before the movie started.
brady went first and rubbed elbows with JT.
brady was so stoked -- he said JT was with his parents but wanted to shake his hand.
he told me to go right away so i could meet him.
 i was mostly interested in seeing john goodman. that guy is a legend.
we did see him and his wife and was surprised he wasn't being swamped by fans. 

the movie was pretty good.
i thought it was a good idea and entertaining.
we love baseball so it was fun.

friday night we red-boxed that movie "The Lucky One" 
it stuck out to me when we were going through our options because i remember my dad telling me that i would relate a lot to it.
boy, did i ever.
poor brady had a puddle of salty tears all over his chest.
i thought it was a chick-flick but i think only 10% of it seemed to be, in my opinion. 
i really did like it.  it hit very close to home but i liked it.

saturday morning we thought about going to an early matinee but instead did the culver city stairs.
they aren't really stairs - more like cement blocks far spaced with a lot of people there.
we went up and down them 3 times and then walked up and down the switchbacks.
such a good work out.

our intentions were good for going surfing right after but that didn't really happen.
we thought about visiting the Reagan library in simi valley, but that didn't happen either.
we ran errands all over LA for a bunch of boring things i had to get done.  what a sweety he is.

costco was on the list.
we almost got jack one of these HUGE pillow pets.
or as they are called, pillow chums.

after, we saw the movie my parents also suggested, "WORDS"
we liked it.  the ending was so-so, but i did like the fact Ernst Hemingway was a huge factor in the movie since i do dig a little literature. of course i cried on a few parts.
what's my deal?
it was a good flick.

for dinner, this handsome fella took me to a great new place:
it's vegan, it is chic, it was wonderful.
you walk in and the place is all white with subtle decor of 
succulents, candles and words of gratitude all over.

brady had been there before with dave, and liked it.
everything was gluten free.
the owner told us all about what is best.

brady got:
i am liberated.

i got:
i am something

it was absolutely delicious
brady didn't think so this time.

while i am taking these pictures he is telling me how vegan people get sick if they eat bad food.
he said he actually feels sick while eating vegan food and that he
NEEDED to get something bad in him soon.
i thought he was borderline kidding.
he wasn't. 
as we are driving home, he went into the grocery store, and came out with a gallon of ice cream and a spoon.
he started eating that ice cream like he was starved.
it was pretty funny!
i felt great and he felt sick.
i sure love this guy.

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