
pool days in fall

the pool has been so much fun to take jackson to while this heat works us.
we thought this was fall?
all of our friends from church where there so it was a good day before back to school night to bring all of our kids to get their wiggles out.

a massive water gun fight occurred.

another night, jack wanted to take a dip before bed.
so i took him down the hill to the club.
the cutest thai kids were down there hanging out with us in the "cuzzi"
they told me their names, asked me loads of questions and tried to talk to jacksters.

jack called this, the starfish!

he swam against the jets for his training to be in the olypmics for surfing in 20??

such a beautiful night.

he is just telling me about life
after coming back from the hot cuzzi, we steamed up the car so jack capitalized.
just love him.

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