
the young and the restless

A spider lives inside my head . Who weaves a strange and wondrous web . Of silken threads and silver strings . To catch all sorts of flying things . Like crumbs of thought and bits of smiles . And specks of dried-up tears . And dust of dreams that catch and cling . For years and years and years.                                                                                                                                            -Shel Silverstein

it would be impossible to write off little things jackson does as a child because as we know it, we remember so much from our childhood which forms our future.  i also believe it forms our expectations of who or what kind of parent we will become.  

so, with that said, i have tried my very best to make sure each day for jack includes using his imagination, his creativity, his manners, his organization skills but that he can be a positive little guy.
he is so happy and finds joy out of the littlest things.

for example...
he made his own treasure hunt all over the house.
he had a map and specific spots he set up to take me around to find each treasure.

we spent time with our favorite twins!

jack set this up before bed, but it couldn't have been funnier to be surprised with what he set up.
we aren't fans of spiders.

he managed to lodge a crayon in my perm rod.
he said rollie pollies fit in them too. 
oh, good to know... :)

i give him any change i have so we sat down before bed one night and counted it out.
i used it as an opportunity to teach him more math.

can't let others trade a nickel for a quarter.
gotta teach him.

right after dropping jacksters off at 1st grade, a rainbow graced the exit.

the treasure hunt even ended outside.
i made little signs saying whose bug is whose.

kids these days.
love them!

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