
things as of late

this past weekend we had some good times!
we had jackson for most of friday night so we took him to Wreck It Ralph 3-D!
most of the tickets were sold out so we had to see a late night show in santa monica.  
we loved it. such a good message and not crude.
when we are in public, brady gets so many looks as if he is wolf man from twilight.
i didn't want to be obvious and catch a picture of people looking at him, but i did my best...
{picture below of a text a friend of mine sent looking like him}
we love us some canals 
so we jogged them.
i have this new thing where i don't run so many miles and i am not gaining too much muscle mass. i run just to take the edge off and then stop so i don't bulk up.  
it's kind of fun, so brady did it with me. i think we did 3 miles on such a pretty day.

we saw a matinee of chasing mavericks.
it was soo soo sooo good!
we both felt like it made us want to conquer the world.
the waves were better than the acting, but it was a good story.
gerrad butler's body double getting barreled and then killing it.

sunday the kids all came over to celebrate finn!
grandma and grandpa from texas came as well.
grandma holding baby finn.

in hotel translvania the count says, blah blah blah blah blah...
sort of.
so we read a book that says just that and laughed about it.
we have a goal of 30 minutes of reading at least every night
this kid is reading so much better!

monday we played at the pool and i taught the kids how to play water polo.
not sure if they were into the whole treading water deal, but they were cute.

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