

there is an ap on your iPhone that is called ARTKIVE that i am into.
(I did a blog post about it in April you can find here)
it is pretty cool... you download pictures that your children draw for you and then you upload it, then they make a book for you so you can have a more organized way of keeping your children's artwork in one book.  

here are only some sweet pictures jackson drew for me and brady throughout the years!
i adore these and couldn't throw them away after getting them into ARTKIVE.
(i don't have the several pictures jackson has drawn for brady but these are some he just leaves on my bed or wakes me up with or surprises me with. words cannot describe how happy they make me)

(one jackson drew for uncle DREW!)

jackson made this for me at friday club!
he made brady one too!
melt our hearts!

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