
reporting good news

my friend kate brought be back macaroons all the way from france! 
i couldn't believe she did, but she did.
they tasted like how they did the first time i ever tried them.
it was such a treat and how thoughtful of her and her husband to bring them back.

in other good news, my friend stephanie asked me to be a part of The Ritz Carlton's yoga video.
i use to work for the Ritz and loved it.  
stephanie and i almost started our own yoga company years ago so it was fun to work with her this early afternoon on making a video where she taught the class that will be aired online and on the main Ritz Carlton room channel.
i got some pretty nice black pants and a great experience out of it.
i may be working for them again very soon.

i coordinated a cut-a-thon to raise money for a good cause.
it was such a great experience to do so -- raising over $500 from donations.
people really show who they are when they give of themselves.  
if you are still interested in donating please let me know.

just one of the great people from the day!

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