
jack's last week living in san clemente (part one)

there has been a decision made that has affected us tremendously.
jackson had one week left in san clemente with all of his friends, family and neighbors.
he had one week left before he had to move up to northern california.  
his last week at his class that he loves.
his last week with friends who grew up with him since he was a baby.
friends that were in his preschool classes, kindergarten class, first grade class.
this move was unexpected and still not easy.
it has taken me some time to sit down to go through the pictures.
my strength grows each day but this is something i don't know if i could ever get use to.
i still go into jackson's room everynight to check on him even though blankets have now replaced him.  
i use to sneak into his room after he was asleep and kiss his forehead, check his breathing (since he was a newborn) and sometimes pull his heavy body out of bed to rock him.  
there was so much love and emotion going on this last week with him.
i'm trying my best not to tear up while typing this out...

here are some pictures from the last week:
he is playing outside with his friends.
this is the day he found out the news.
he rushed home to play outside with his buddies.

here is his last sunday at primary. he will still be in this class two weekends a month, 
but i wanted to be there to see him.

Callie and Jack are good friends.
we use to carpool last year for school as she lives a few streets down.

post-church pictures

i had to record what our normal morning routine for school was.
he gives me a kiss and hug before getting out of the car for school.
he usually brings charlee for the quick less than a mile drive.
asks me how his hair looks, etc.

after school, he played, did homework and then we had family night.
making cupcakes for no other good reason, than just because we do things like this.

we worked on his science fair project

then frosted the cupcakes

jack went to school, early out day.
my friends surprised jackson with a "see you soon party"
over 75 kids were there, over 60 mom friends were there.
they hired a bouncy house, all RED treats since red is jack's favorite color.
it was emotional, fun, exciting... so many if not all of the moms were coming up to me in tears.
so many of jackson's friends were so sad to say goodbye to him.
his friends came up to me to give me hugs and asked if i would still take them to chuck-e-cheese or surfing.

they all signed a pillow case for jackson!

such an amazing party.
jackson felt so loved. he told me he didn't realize how many friends he had.
so grateful for my sister for taking all of those pictures at the party.  she is so talented.
she wasn't able to stay the whole time, to get everyone in the pictures but she did a great job capturing that time she was there.

(part two, next post)

1 comment:

  1. Wait, what about you? Only Jackson? It's not impossible. You have the best contact with your sun which I have ever seen. Write something more - cicha77@gazeta.pl.
