
jackson's home!!!

brady and i picked jackson up in the burbank airport.
so excited to see him.
he ran up to me, jumped on me and had the biggest smile on his face.
he told me how much he missed me and loves me.

brady surprised us and took us to kids castle right around the corner.
it was so fun to run into it, play games right before it closed.
we felt badly that jack had to wait several hours to get onto the next flight since he missed his original flight so we tried to make it fun for him after.

on saturday, we played with a rocket brady built!

the boys were pretty stoked, to say the least.
here are some videos of two of the launches...

le tigre?

right after he ran after it!
so cute, right?

we did it three times. jack loved chasing after it.

10 minutes after finished letting three rockets off, we rushed to my parents house for our "drive in movie night"
i handed them out monopoly money, ticket stubs that brady ripped.
jack had some of his good friends come over.
they decorated their numbers for their cards and we put sheets over laundry baskets.
it was fun to see them get so excited to watch a movie in their little cars at their own little drive in movie theatre.  brady helped me to put together the concession stand 
where we had popcorn, pretzels, candy, etc.
i had all the boys line up to buy their food.
they were so cute being all thrifty when they spent their fake money.

the rest of the weekend was spent having fun, 
enjoying the simple things we use to enjoy on a daily basis.
family dinner for sunday where we all came together.

it really was a weird feeling it wasn't going to last past monday.  
i held onto every second i had with him, forgoing as much time possible that i would have used to do my hair or makeup, so i could spend the most time with my babe.

monday morning:
he set up all of his animals to watch Marley and Me with us.
we snuggled and then cried together at the end.
why did Marlee have to die?

then we went to target, spent time with our dog charlee, went for a bike ride and then headed to the airport... stopping to grab lunch together and then boomers for fun.

then, just like that, he was gone.
airports i'm finding have so much emotion now.
from the excitement of first seeing him, the anticipation 
to the walk, alone, away from the terminal.
i completely held back tears that felt like they were almost gushing from my eyes, to just sit in the drivers seat in the john wayne airport parking lot and let them all out.
all of jackson's toys he loves were left in the back of my car.
his blankey. the things he said to me during the drive there will hold me through the next week, until we see each other again.

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