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a few weeks ago my friend gave me a bottle of a night cream called nerium.  my friend asked me to try it and report any changes in my skin.  i put it on at night after my face was clean, three pumps and then went to sleep with it on.  within three days my face brightened up, my freckles were getting lighter, my expression or emotion wrinkles (as i like to call them) on my forehead were becoming smooth and my smile line on my left side of the face became smaller.

i read more about NERIUM and saw other's people's results.  i have now been using it for almost three weeks and my face has been softer, looks younger, the redness is almost gone, its tighter and better than i could have ever expected from just one cream.  being in the beauty industry, i am around people who have me try masks, hair products, face products and never have i been so impressed.

three of my good girlfriends have a well-known blog that is called "lunch pails & lipstick" that has been getting a lot of press.  my friend jenna who lives in new york with her family wrote about it when they did their giveaway for Nerium here.  i really like what she wrote about it and love that she is coming from the skin side of beauty.  anything jenna recommends, i know it's quality.  i normally don't talk about products i like unless i really know it works and i have to say this one does!

i have an account set up where i can send you some at my discount.  it retails for $150-$200 but i can get it for $80 if you get it every month... just email me if you are interested.

if you would like to learn more information about Nerium or are interested in becoming a brand partner, click here or contact me at melislundquist (at) gmail (dot) com.

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