
this and that

brady invited me to go into the city with him to run some errands. we both didn't have any plans except being with each other.
it was so fun walking around town and finding an incredible persian cafe we had lunch at. he is one handsome man who i am lucky to be dating! i sure do love him. 
never have i been with a person who has me believing every moment is floating from cloud nine to the next cloud nine.  he really is something.

my sister, brother-in-law and friends own a cool company called le percel!
it is so cool.  they mail you 30 tampons/pads, a piece of chocolate and a surprise gift from their sponsor ranging from watches, rings, necklaces, bags etc. for only $15.  they ship it to your door a week before your period. it was on good morning america and now they are super busy. 
stoked for them!

my nephew asher looked like this after his nap.
such a cool kid.

my good friend ash had a cute shower.
i am so excited for her to have a baby soon!

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