
magical new years day

one of my favorite persons surprised me early new years morning with tickets to magic mountain!  i haven't been there in years!  wendy is a doll.  we had a lovely time.  we went on almost every ride.  one of the rides made our tummies turn but then went on their "superman" and it cured our aches!  it was pretty funny!
the x2 ride was pretty fun... instead of lifting your arms up, we lifted our legs the entire ride!  people in line were taking pictures of us!  it was pretty memorable to say the least.

personally my favorite ride was tatsu.  it was dedicated to my friend who told me to go on it.
we rode it a couple times.
it gave us the sensation of flying.
zooey much?
she gave me two tickets to SHE + HIM concert in May!  so excited!  that concert was sold out within the hour of it going on sale.  zooey is our favorite not-yet-big-celeb.
we rode the terminator salvation ride 3 times.  we just sat there without getting up!
the workers didn't even check out belts third time around.
nothing much like feeling like you are 12 again with one of your best friends all day.
thanks again wendy!

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