
B A B Y F I N N !!!

last monday i picked jackson up from school, so excited to tell him he has a new cousin!
he was so excited to tell me that he is bringing home his tomato caterpillar home!
yay for more small pets....
 he took a shower and then we went to their home to meet five hour old baby finn!
finn august capener
cutest name.  he was just so alert and sweet.
born at 10:51am
9 pounds!

elise is a champ, having him all natural at her home. 
drew was being a great husband and daddy taking care of his family.

the cousins all came over!
no longer is asher the baby cousin

funny faces with otter pops

blake and i tried to keep them all occupied out front since they were so loud
dana point is the best

elise joined the mommy club!

elise being a photographer, will be able to catch those candid moments of finn perfectly.
i'm so in love with him!

we missed bree not being there

nothing is better than holding a brand new baby.

my dad came over right after work up the street to meet baby finn!

i went home to feed jack and put him to sleep just so i could come back to stay the first night with baby finn!  it was the best taking care of him so elise and drew could sleep. 
 we hung out, i sang him songs, watched him suck on his little long fingers and tried to keep him as long as possible before bringing him up.
this really was heavenly for me.
1:30 am
i think finn liked me because i have his mommy's voice so he cuddled real well with me.
2:30 am
he would wake up to think he was hungry but since i didn't feed him, he would go right to sleep after rocking him or patting his bum to sleep.  
i was able to stay to get elise some breakfast and then my mom came over to take my place so i could get jackson up and ready for school. 
loved every moment with our new baby finn in the family!

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