
pinterest party

i had this little idea of throwing a pinterest party.
a lot of my good friends that live close by are into pinterest like me, 
so they all came over with something they have pinned (food) and brought something they have pinned (craft) to share with us.  it was so fun to learn how to make certain things or do certain projects.
i'm much more visual so seeing it in person helped.
it was an inspiring night, fun and longer than we thought it would go.
i made "pigs in a blanket" but made them fly...
by sticking them with popcicle sticks and pushing them through foam for flowers.
these are the easiest snack.
i got the trader joes cresent rolls, wrapped them with beef franks and 
brushed butter on them. 10 mins at 350.
i didn't get to try them since i have allergies, but i hear they tasted alright and even better with dijion.  

my sister-in-law made amazing lemon custard cookies that i didn't get to try but everyone loved them!
so glad close friends came. 
we will have to do another one.

i also gave a few hair tutorials so everyone can see how to french braid, fishtail, up-do's, 20's dos, curl their hair, section it off, vintage styles... it was fun. i didn't have any other ideas to get to the top of jamie's head unless i did this.

while we were crafting all night, brady helped our good friend Lauren move out from LA to her moving truck to drive to where she is going to live when she is married. so sad i missed her!

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