
mom, do you know the muffin man?

that is a question jack has been asking me everyday.
thank you shrek and the books he is starting to memorize.

Happiness is a continuation of 


 which are not resisted. 

- Deepak Chopra

::things i'm loving about jackson lately::

1. when he takes my hair out of a ponytail, then runs his fingers through my hair until it "wooks good"
2. right before he meets his dad for the weekend, he will tell me "mom, you think about me when i'm gone 'coz i'm gonna miss you."
3. how he makes me close my eyes before he gives me a painting/drawing he made at preschool.
4. how much he loves bugs now and asks me to turn the rolly-pollies over so he can look for more.
5. at a family dinner, he was really quiet and to himself.  someone said women and he randomly shouts, "I LOVE WOMEN. I LOVE WOMEN." ... then going about his business eating without looking up.
6. when he wants me to sing "ABCD..." while he sings "twinkle twinkle" at the same time.
7. how much he loves music.  when he was growing in my tummy, i would play music for him to calm him down since he would kick my ribs. when he was a brand new baby, i would play music to create a sweet atmosphere to help him sleep.  still to this 3 and a half age he still falls instantly asleep with music.
8. randomly the other day he told me to "send santa some thank you food."  maybe he meant card for his train set?
9. he is such a great traveler. just happy and sleepy.

10. how protective he is of me.... i guess it can both ways.

11. when he shushes me in church if i'm talking to my mom or sister by saying, "shhhhh mom, jesus can hear you."
12. when he thinks he is whispering but he is just moving his lips.
13. how much his belly-roll has improved.

14. the other day he told me "when i grow up, i want to be a firetruck!"
15. his obsession for disneyland.  he is a true fan of meeting the characters.

16. his love for ketchup. sometimes its a bit excessive, but pretty funny.
17. when we were driving to the airport, he was peeking his head out of the window and yelled, "wait for me airplane.  i'm almost there!  don't land!"
18. when he told the lady at the park that she isn't a pirate; and that in fact he was.
19. if he notices someone eating vegetables together, he says, "try it! you'll like it" from yo gabba gabba.
20. his love for his cousins jade + micah.  he tells me daily that micah is his best friend.

::things that make me sad about jack lately::

1. how quickly he is growing.  he's not a baby, nor a toddler, but is officially a kid.
2. when with my friends at church, he untucked his shirt and took off his shoes.  my friend CL told jackson to tuck in his shirt to show respect and jackson decided to spit on him.... oh the timeout... that through me off guard for sure but the guys were laughing.
3. the first and only time he said "boobies"
4. whenever i catch him into something, he blames it on jade... so weird.
5. how much i miss him when he is gone.

9 lovely notes:

Aubrey Messick said...

What a sweet post! Jackson is growing up so fast...and getting cuter by the minute.

Malia said...

I love women! That is ridiculously cute.

You encourage me to see the beauty in what can sometimes feel like the mundane, appreciating even the simplest of things.

and yes, those cherry trees were for you!
i just wish i could have got some better shots. i am admittedly not the greatest photographer :)

McCall said...

that post brought back soooo many memories! he sure does have a lot of personality. and i can't believe he spit on somebody. like i said - alot of personality.

Anna said...

k so....I guess you also know Josh Budinger... REALLY small world. :-) We must know each other somehow... I wonder who you'll post in your next post that I'll know... haha :-)

This was a darling post about your boy... love it!

Bryce & Nicole said...

You are an amazing mother! I can't believe how many things you get done each day! This post and all your post are adorable. Jackson will love reading these when he is older.

Daile Wilson said...

I can't believe how fast Jack has grown up! It makes me sad sometimes but at the same time I'm excited to see all the fun things that will come in his life! You are such an amazing mother! xo

likeschocolate said...

He really is yummy! I remember when my oldest learned that song and would sing it over and over.

Traveller said...

He is the sweetest kid!

Melly Mel said...

thank you so much! i really appreciate it...
and malia, your comment made me want to cry. so sweet.


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