

listening to: sunshine, lollipops and rainbows by lesley gore
sitting next to a realllllly boon  person

this week is going to be dedicated to inspiration.
so come back tomorrow and then the next day and then the next day... because you might crack a smile sometime this week.

today is lollipops.

so i had a few lollipops this week.  they were just really swell.  all kinds, flavors and sizes. 
i say the smaller lollipop, the better because you don't get that sugar hangover that those large ones from disneyland can give... but that's the adult in me; the kid version still says the bigger the better.

so i encourage you to dedicate one of your treats of the day, to get a lollipop and enjoy it.  the entire thing.

godiva chocolate lollipops for the season

can buy these edibles here

more ideas to be creative with these

example of what is too big

and if you can't get to a lollipop, frozen juice on a stick works too...

okay, so tomorrow, something else to inspire you...
stay tuned and enjoy a lips-macking lolli sometime today

3 lovely notes:

likeschocolate said...

I love the Godiva lollipop!

Melly Mel said...

you would. :)

jenn (+ will) said...

yum. count me in for the chocolate ones. godiva makes such fun halloween candy!


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