
ahhhh man.

as many mothers know, if you have a toddler, they want to follow you around the house. everywhere you go, everything you do (i feel like i'm singing brian adams in my head...) they are on your right side wanting to join.  showers are a time where i feel every mom just needs their privacy once your child is getting to the age of memory.  so after he crawled into bed with me, i gave him my laptop to watch aladdin.

tonight as i was checking my email, i come across aladdin being paused from 10 hours ago, and these pictures....

oh i do sleep with a random denim blanket.  their so heavy and keep you warm.  i'm not ashamed.
i do also sleep with silk pillows.

how awesome is jack figuring out photobooth on his own and taking these.  it completely made my night that much better.

tonight when we were driving home from a friend's house, he was looking outside and said, "mom, how come the moon keeps following us?  that's so funny!!!"

i think i remember as a three-year-old what the moon and sun were.  they were round balls that came out most of the time to create an illusion that they were always with you.  you look up and see it no matter where you are walking... except with those trees were in the way...

--- after that conversation, i asked him what he was in the mood for.  he said pink ice cream.

M: pink? why pink jack?
J: mom, pink ice cream is my favorite.

i was closest to wahoos, so we pull up.  i know they have those coconut ice cream bars, or fruit bars so i crossed my fingers they had something pink.  raquel in wahoos knows us well and calls jack nino.  jack has this conversation with raquel...

R: como esta Melissa and nino!
M: muy bien, u tu?
R: ahhh, muy bien muy bien.  {jibberish jibberish jibberish spanish that is too fast for me to write but i comprehend}  blank blank y nino?
J: my name is not nemo! it's jackson.

he picks out a ice cream sandwich... which we have a box at home {tutti soy}
and devours it.
chocolate on the mouth, sticking to his tiny fingers, blacking out his teeth, probably in his hair...
and he starts singing...

"there's a party in my tummy! so yummy so yummy! there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy!"

a woman walks by, VERY PREGNANT.

he continues to sing but wittingly changes the words,
"there's a baby in her tummy, so yummy, so yummy!  there's a baby in MY tummy, so yummy so yummy!"

oh my goodness... i don't think a day goes by were he doesn't make me laugh.

we start to drive that .65 mile home and the last funny thing he says of the night is:
J: hey mom, i'm going to sing ABCDEFG song and you sing twinkle twinkle little star at the same time. okay?

so we did. he didn't get confused.  he was smart enough to realize they have the same melody.
how great it is that he has a piano teacher that i signed up classes with for next week.

such a great night with my babe.

1 lovely notes:

jenn (+ will) said...

so fun to read!!


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