they poked at the star fish.
almost threw some at each other, until i regulated... not really. until ben's dad regulated.
we got the babes together for shamu.
let's talk about this show for a sec...
okay it's about as boring as watching free willy on mute.
i would have much rather seen the sharks three times more and came home to watch the discovery channel's special on killer whales while reading the free pamphlets the greenpeacers hand out. all the moms and kids would agree with this opinion i'm owning.
the highlight of the show was these two crazies...i mean come on... there is no sense making in either of these hair cuts.
i looked at them more than the famous whale.
totally bored.
i think this is right when shamu was about to do "around the world" where she swims around the tank.
ok ok okay you get it.
we had lunch which was so fun.
the line was a mixture of all of miss dianne's class and tourists who thought all of our kids were monkeys. we fed the babes, missed the group pictures because our group wanted popcicles and then headed to the dolphin show.
so we have had season passes for years. this show is nothing new. especially when you go with a kid that has the best memory. he kept saying,
" hey mom, this is the part when the bird flies and picks him up... and then the bad guys come. oh and then the bad whales get them wet."
uhhh, yeah. you smarty-pants you.
we all got lost, so jack and i scrammed.
we escaped to one of my favorite places...
seaport village.
that place has something about it that makes me so excited to go each time.
i love taking jack.
my family took me there all the time growing up.
jack said these exact words,
"mom if you ever get me another daddy, will you get married there after the castle? and can i come?"
oh buddy.
looking for sharks, of course...
ahh i love that face.
navy boat + jack....
he is telling me about the airplanes he sees.
mondays = fundays .... jimmer.